Santos Alvarado
EDTC 6320: Instructional Technology
Project 1: Cooperative Project
Project Description: EDTC 6320 – Cooperative Project.
Using a research-based design rationale for instruction, students will work collaboratively to develop an online module for an assigned topic involving an emerging technology. The project includes an analysis of the audience, design of the instructional wiki, development of project, and formative assessment of the materials, a design document file, a design rationale, and an evaluation report.
Brief description: The purpose for this project is to enhance the use of technology in the classroom setting through the use of Glogster. Glogster is a social network that allows users to create free interactive posters, or glogs. With the use of Glogster, 5th grade students from Progreso ISD will create rich media digital posters, by implementing several media tools including, graphics, video and links without any assistance.
Responsibilities Met:
Responsibility 3: Development, Utilization and Management. The candidate will develop, utilize and manage a variety of media and instructional technologies to deliver instruction to students.
Performance Indicators |
Justification |
3.1 Demonstrates ability to develop instruction using a minimum of three different medias.
3.1 The following are the three different types of media used throughout this course:
- PowerPoint Presentation with SlideShare: This media tool allowed me to create a storyboard to introduce myself and professional goals.
- Glogster: The purpose of this media is to allow us to present our project through an alternative way. This allowed our group to create a visual and engaging presentation.
- Wiki PBWorks: The purpose of this media, allowed our group to collaborate with one another.
3.2 Applies research-based rationale for the selection and utilization of technologies for learning.
3.2 Through the cooperative project we were able to develop an instructional design unit using the Systematic instructional design research-based ADDIE Model. The project consisted of the five phases: (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Implementation, and (5) Evaluation. The instructional design focused on helping develop our 5th grade ELLs (English Language Learners). The project was presented through the use of a Web 2.0 tool called Glogster. To develop this project we created a wiki page that would host the information of the ADDIE instructional design components. The team wiki contained the record of our meetings and what each team member added and discussed. The project included the resources our team used to accomplish the goal of our project, it included research based on the instructional delivery. In our group each team member contributed a different component to the the instructional design of the project. The main component of research was the use of Glogster in education, our research articles supported the use of Glogster and Web 2.0 tools in the classroom.
3.3 Demonstrates ability to manage projects and evaluate progress and improvement.
3.3 During the cooperative project our group assigned a timeline on what work needed to be completed. We also assigned sections on who is going to complete that specific section and set a due date. The group was able to communicate with each other through scheduling a time and date to meet online via Elluminate; we also emailed one another leaving each other reminders and notifications. Once a person was done with their section, the other members were able to re-evaluate the section by giving each other constructive feedback, so modifications could be made.
Responsibility 4: Evaluation. The candidate uses incisive and relevant assessment and evaluation techniques (e.g., product or project which uses formative and/or summative evaluations). Candidate demonstrates the ability to evaluate quality of instructional materials and instructional systems using appropriate methodologies. Candidate also demonstrates the ability to use formative and summative assessment methodologies to ascertain the effectiveness of instruction in meeting instructional goals.
Performance Indicators |
Justification |
4.2 Demonstrates ability to use summative strategies to evaluate the quality of instruction. |
4.2 The final product of the instructional design project was showed to teachers to see if the information and design was suitable for the students to accomplish. Once the project was approved by the teachers the students were given the proper training to see if the students could meet the objectives of the instructional project. |
4.3 Demonstrates ability to select a variety of appropriate assessment instruments and use those instruments to assess effectiveness of instruction in meeting instructional objectives. |
4.3 The learner will be assessed using a Rubric and Entry Skill Pre-Assessment. The students were assessed twice during the instructional training, one prior to instruction with the Entry Skill Pre-Assessment and after with the performance rubric. The learners were assessed based on the Performance Rubric, the purpose of the performance rubric is to see if the learners followed the instructional training to create a Glogster poster. |
Responsibility 5: Research. The candidate collects, evaluates, and synthesizes research from a variety of appropriate sources in order to support decision-making in design, development, implementation and evaluation of instructional systems.
Performance Indicators |
Justification |
5.1 Demonstrates ability to conduct comprehensive literature review and provide summation of a relevant topic in instructional technology.
5.1 Each group member contributed to the research, the instructional design and developing the appropriate assessments for the instructional design. As a group we conducted research to review the purpose and implementation of the ADDIE Model in our group project. The ADDIE Model was broken down and each member took a part and became responsible of that section. I conducted my research on the Design part of the ADDIE Model, I researched how student learning would occur in our instructional project (Learning Objectives, Training Structure). Our group would collaboratively meet and work together through our project Wiki page to organize and revise the information each member was collaborating. The literature review conducted using scholarly peer-reviewed articles based on instructional technology, the benefits of Web 2.0 tools in the classroom, Interactive multimedia in the learning environment came from the UTB Library and other databases.
5.2 Uses research in instructional technology to justify academic decisions in course work projects and professional work-related responsibilities. |
5.2 Our group individually searched for scholarly peer-reviewed articles that justified the use and effectiveness of Glogster or Web 2.0 tools in the classroom. Many articles mentioned that Web 2.0 tools create an engaging learning experience for the students, by allowing the students to collaborate with one another. In addition to finding articles on implementing Web 2.0 tools, our group researched the ADDIE Model, to get a better understanding on the implementation of ADDIE Model into our cooperative project. As a result of this research our team developed a instructional design that would engage students using Glogster, and allow for a different type of presentation poster for the students. |
5.3 Uses research to justify selections of instructional strategies. |
5.3 In the research we were able to find instructional strategies for the use of Glogster in the Classroom. In our group project our team decided to use more of a direct teaching/think-aloud approach based on our intended learners and problem. The teacher were going to guide and model the importance of selecting and using the different features of Glogster.
The research showed that the use of Glogster in the classroom leads to student collaborating and the use of differentiated learning using audio, video and images. Student collaboration broaden and deepen their understanding on topics the students were researching. The research indicated that the use of Glogster and other Web 2.0 tools in the classroom motivated students to enhance their learning by providing learners options for demonstrating what they know.
Responsibility 6: Collaboration. The candidate demonstrates the ability to form electronic teams in order to identify and solve problems and opportunities in the field of instructional technology. The candidate demonstrates effective team building skills in a distributed collaboration environment, and demonstrates how candidate's own students or colleagues can take advantage of electronic collaboration for distributed team building.
Performance Indicators |
Justification |
6.1 Demonstrates the ability to team electronically with professionals to identify instructional problems or opportunities and devise appropriate solutions.
6.1 This collaborative project allowed me to meet with with my team through Blackboard Collaborate, emails, phone-calls/texts and our team wiki page. We would conference after class or before class meetings through Collaborate to discuss our research findings, our instructional design ideas, and how the presentation should be created. The wiki page was the primary use of collaboration, as we would post questions and messages to each team member, and assign each other roles and work that must be completed by each team member.
6.2 Identifies trends in distributed instruction. |
6.2 Through this project our team members identified trends in differentiated instruction through the use of Web 2.0 tools. A trend that was constantly being identified in articles was that students were able to collaborate with other students using Glogster and other Web 2.0 tools, these tools made it easier for students to be engaged and collaborate with one another. The ability to offer differentiated instruction to students through Glogster was another trend. Students are exposed to video, images, text, in order to learn a certain topic assigned to them in class. The use of Glogster also offers a differentiated approach in presenting a poster to other students. |
6.3 Demonstrates effective utilization of tools necessary to implement distributed instruction. |
6.3 The effective utilization of tools necessary to implement distributed instructions was displayed through the use of team work on our team Wiki page by developing an effective plan each team member carried out. The tools implemented was the use of Wiki and Glogster to display our teams work, we also used PowerPoint Presentations and Camtasia to record ourselves and upload to YouTube. |
Modifications Made
The modifications that were made in our collaborative project were conducted within the time frame of the project at the following link:
Team members collaboratively revised the project based on feedback received:
- Ensure all links are active and working
- Integrated Visuals
- Consistent formatting throughout
- Due to the collaborative nature of this project, no changes have been made since the final submission.
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